Friday, July 23, 2010

An idea for vertically challenged people

well so much for getting my mojo back for too long. End of financial year hit!! I have nearly got everything done so i treated myself to a new piece of clothing (plus i had one of those agh moments when i contemplated where all this work was getting me).

unfortunately i am one of those people who ALWAYS has to take up their pants. normally i would stand in front of a mirror and try to guess where the hem should be while sticking myself with pins rather than the pants. then i found this great tip - wish i could remember where but anyway. so easy - turn the pants inside out, try them on and then pin!!! it looks a bit funny (better off to do it without your family seeing otherwise there will be jokes) but it's magic, the bottom of the pants are already turned the right way and you don't attack yourself with pins as much.

something so simple but so clever.

footnote - yes that is how much i have to take up, i am a very short person.

footnote 2 -hopefully i will pick up a new (well second hand) baby over the weekend, very excited!!!